Thursday, April 1, 2010

Candy Winner!!!!!!!!!!

SO.... Here we go. Thank you to everyone who CORRECTLY entered in for my candy by following my blog, commenting about their favorite birthday memory, and posting my candy to their blogs (THEN for any Dollies players who fullfilled the above). I had a great birthday this past month, and I do thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes!

SO, I randomized my list of entries:

There were 54 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
  1. Amy
  2. Amy
  3. Jude
  4. Leah
  5. Leah
  6. Miislucky
  7. Karen
  8. Amy
  9. TeenaBugg38
  10. Karen
  11. Leah
  12. Beate
  13. Karen
  14. Crystal
  15. Amy
  16. Leah
  17. Leah
  18. Amy
  19. DZMania
  20. Leah
  21. Amy
  22. Denise
  23. Leah
  24. Leah
  25. Grazi
  26. Amy
  27. Crystal
  28. Leah
  29. Karen
  30. Karen
  31. Melissa
  32. Amy
  33. Denise
  34. Karen
  35. Kimmie
  36. Crystal
  37. Liezl
  38. Amy
  39. Karen
  40. Crystal
  41. Karen
  42. Rosa
  43. Alin
  44. Leah
  45. Karen
  46. Ramona
  47. Noga
  48. Karen
  49. Alin
  50. Amy
  51. Karen
  52. Leah
  53. Winged
  54. Karen
And THEN randomized the number order thingy:
Making our winner................. AMY :)
(Girl, you ROCKED those Dollies challenges, btw!!!)

I'll be sending out your goodies this week, and in the meantime, keep playing with Dollies!!! :)


  1. I've missed a TON! First and foremost...Happy Belated Birthday! So glad to hear it was a great one! Secondly, want you to know I've missed ya! Hope to be an active resident of blogland once again. Wishing you a blessed Easter! xoxo L

  2. Congrats to Amy on a great win!

    Adina, I thought you might enjoy knowing that I made a connection - and a cake - as a result of your candy contest! When I was commenting on the post, I read a few of the birthday memories before mine, and one of the ladies posted that her favorite cake was Kentucky Butter Rum Cake. It sounded so delicous that I contacted her - she sent me the recipe - and I made my first cake as a result!

    It came out YUMMY! I thought you might enjoy the post (linked below). Have a great Easter - I will be serving it to my guests this weekend!

    Ramona :-)

    Cake Recipe:

  3. SaaaaWEEEET!! Thank you thank you thank you!! Love ya Adina!! Whoot whoot! Do you need my addy?
    And of course I will keep playing with the Dollies!! I am obsessed! Big hugs! So glad you had a great birthday month!


Thank you for taking the time to leave some love!